Wednesday, November 27, 2013

PCN or CA?

When posting and researching THE SYDNEY B. MITCHELL MEDAL I noticed that the medal was awarded to 'CA' iris and not 'PCN'.  CA is California in my knowledge base and I am used to seeing PCN for Pacific Coast Native iris in AIS wiki.  So here's what the wiki explains:

Pacific Coast Natives, or Series Californicae (CA), deserve to be more widely grown. But they are tricky in many places in all but the far western area of the country in the native range. England and New Zealand has also had considerable success. In other areas their requirements can be exacting but when they are met, they grow most attractively with graceful and dainty flowers held one to two feet high, in most colors and patterns. They compete for the Sidney B. Mitchell Medal. Articles about PCNs, Cultivation

'Baby Blanket' (Joseph Ghio, R. 1998) Sdlg. PC-179#. CA, 16" (41 cm)

OK!  It all makes sense except, why code the Wiki PCN and the Award CA?  I'll keep reading!

- Neil Houghton

The Beardless Iris Awards 2013

Besides the bearded iris, beardless iris are well loved and these awards honor the hybridizers of these classes.  Most popular among these are the siberians.  Beyond their lovely flower the grassy foliage make them a great landscaping choice. My favorites are the Japanese (Ensata) iris.  Their large flat presentation recall the whirling dervish.  Lousiana iris are the only iris with a true red petal.

Here, again from the AIS Wiki are the beardless award winners:

THE FOUNDERS OF SIGNA MEDAL, SPEC irises (Total votes cast = 123)
42 ‘Woolong’, (James Waddick) Iris Tectorum

Runners Up: 
33 ‘Epic Poem’, (Marty Schafer/Jan Sacks); 28 ‘Jin Yu’, (Jill Copeland); 20 ‘Caitlin's Smile’, (James Waddick By Kevin Morley)

THE RANDOLPH PERRY MEDAL, SPEC-X irises (Total votes cast = 159)
45 ‘Roy's Repeater’, (J. T. Aitken)

Runners Up:
37 ‘Wooly Bully’, (Jill Copeland); 33 ‘Celia Welia’, (Jill Copeland); 30 ‘Kinshikou’, (Hiroshi Shimizu By Carol Warner) 14 ‘Everest Blue’ (O. D. Niswonger)

THE SYDNEY B. MITCHELL MEDAL, CA irises (Total votes cast = 33)
9 ‘Hidden Asset’, (Duane Meek)

9 ‘Lines That Rhyme’ (Joseph Ghio)

Runners Up:
6 ‘Rodeo Gulch’, (Joseph Ghio); 5 ‘Dot The Eyes’, (Joseph Ghio)

THE MARY SWORDS DEBAILLON MEDAL, LA irises (Total votes cast = 127)
34 ‘James Faith’, (M. D. Faith)

Runners Up:
27 ‘Frenchmen Street’, (Patrick O'Connor); 25 ‘RenĂ©e Fleming’, (Heather Pryor); 23 ‘Hail Mary’, (Mary Dunn By Joseph Ghio); 18 ‘Frederick Douglass’, (Dorman Haymon)

THE MORGAN-WOOD MEDAL, SIB irises (Total votes cast = 243)
81 ‘Swans In Flight’, (Robert Hollingworth)

Runners Up:
40 ‘Uncorked’, (Marty Schafer/Jan Sacks); 39 ‘Emily Anne’, (Robert Hollingworth); 28 ‘Charming Billy’, (Marty Schafer/Jan Sacks); 28 ‘Kaboom’, (Bob Bauer/John Coble); 27 ‘Haleakala’, (Marky Smith)

 THE ERIC NIES MEDAL, SPU irises (Total votes cast = 132)
38 ‘Missouri Orchid’, (O. D. Niswonger)

Runners Up:
34 ‘Golden Ducat’, (Anna & David Cadd); 27 ‘Hocka Hoona’, (Peter Desantis), 17 ‘Doris Irene’, (B. Charles Jenkins); 16 ‘Sunrise Surprise’, (O. D. Niswonger)

THE PAYNE MEDAL, JI irises (Total votes cast = 95)
26 ‘Bewitching Twilight’, (Chad Harris)

Runners Up:
25 ‘Lady In Pink’, (J. T. Aitken); 25 ‘Pink Puffer’, (Jill Copeland); 19 ‘Beyond Chance’, (Donald Delmez)

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Median and MDB Awards 2013

Very few people begin their interest in irises with anything but tall bearded cultivars.  They make up bulk of what I grow.  But as I became more aware of the medians I found that they are enchanting, more wind tolerant and extend the bloom season.

What follows is clipped from the AIS/Iris Wiki  awards page and enhanced with some pics.  The photos are from the AIS wiki.  Only 'Many Mahalos' is in my garden.  Planted last summer in bloomed for the first time this fall.

THE KNOWLTON MEDAL, BB irises (Total votes cast = 261)
92 ‘Bundle Of Love’, (Paul Black)

Runners Up: 68 ‘Niche’, (Joseph Ghio); 60 ‘Zingerado’, (Lowell Baumunk); 41 ‘Border Guard’, (Joseph Ghio)

THE HANS AND JACOB SASS MEDAL, IB irises (Total votes cast = 278)
84 ‘Rimaround’ (J. T. Aitken)

Runners Up:
62 ‘Oblivion’, (Marky Smith); 53 ‘Many Mahalos’ (J. T. Aitken); 48 ‘Limonada’, (Keith Keppel); 31 ‘Dragonmaster’, (Marky Smith)

THE WILLIAMSON-WHITE MEDAL, MTB irises (Total votes cast = 251)
77 ‘Peebee And Jay’(Barbara & David Schmieder)

Runners Up: 70 ‘Redrock Princess’, (Jean Witt); 57 ‘Persona’, (Keith Keppel); 47 ‘Petit Louvois’, (Clarence Mahan)

THE COOK-DOUGLAS MEDAL, SDB irises (Total votes cast = 297)
29 ‘Wish Upon A Star’, (Paul Black)

Runners Up: 25 ‘Canadian Kisses’, (Paul Black); 23 ‘Big Blue Eyes’, (Paul Black); 22 ‘Pussycat Pink’, (Paul Black); 21 ‘Devil Baby’, (Keith Keppel); 21 ‘Spiderman’, (Donald Spoon)

THE CAPARNE-WELCH MEDAL, MDB irises (Total votes cast = 149)
39 ‘Trimmed Velvet’,(Donald Spoon)

Runners Up:
30 ‘Hobbit’, (Lynda Miller); 26 ‘Applet’, (Marky Smith); 25 ‘Wee Viking’, (A. & D. Willott); 17 ‘Spiderweb’, (Donald Spoon); 12 ‘Ruby Elf’, (A. & D. Willott)

THE CLARENCE G. WHITE MEDAL, AR & AB irises (Total votes cast = 112)
40 ‘Refiner's Fire’ (Peter McGrath)

Runners Up:
33 ‘Kalifa's Joy’, (Robert Annand); 25 ‘Persian Queen’, (Robert Annand); 14 ‘King Solomon's Mines’, (Elm Jensen)

THE WILLIAM MOHR MEDAL, AB irises (Total votes cast = 133)
47 ‘Egyptian Queen’, (Thomas Johnson)

Runners Up:
39 ‘Prince Of Egypt’, (Perry Dyer); 34 ‘Jallab’, (Keith Keppel); 13 ‘Nefret’, (Marky Smith)

This Year the New Dykes Medal Winner IS IN MY GARDEN!

Last year, when the awards were released I had a moment of excitement dashed.  OK, so Florentine Silk and Italian Velvet don't look alike but you can understand that they are both an Italian fabric, right?   Given 60,000 registered names it's a understandable mistake.

But this year 'That's All Folks' is in my garden!

'That's All Folks'  TB Maryott, 2004

Irises eligible for the Dykes medal are the best in class winners of the previous 3 years. I did hedge my bets by planting 2 of the 3 Wister Medal 2012 winners, bringing my total holdings of Dykes eligible TBs to 5 of 9.  Since the odds that a TB will win are great, I had about a 60% chance.  You can't get those odds in Vegas!

Here are this year's Wister Winners.  Will one walk away with Dykes Medal next year? Might a median grab the prize?  Only two medians have won the American Dykes Medal  since it was first awarded in 1927.

AIS Judges vote for this award.  There are many factors beyond the flower than enter into the choice. Growing habit, stalk strength, branching and bud placement are among these. It's not hard to see just based on the bloom why these are winners.

'Absolute Treasure' is all that says iris.  The delicate coloring and ruffling speak of grace and elegance.

'Absolute Treasure 'TB Tasco 2006
Often the combination of colors and markings can produce an over-the-top gaudy flower.  Here an era of flounce, lace and brocade is presented in a perfect package.  The beautiful colors, shades of purple and mauve, the striking markings and ruffles radiate from warm beards and style arms.

'Elizabethan Age' TB Baumunk 2005
"Another purple and white plicata?  Really?" I would have said this if I had not seen these in bloom at Mid-America. 'Ink Patterns' erect falls and dome shaped standards (much liked by AIS judges of late), make total package that is irresistible in blooming clump.

'Ink Patterns' TB T. Johnson 2007

'Ink Patterns' is in my garden and 'Elizabethan Age' will be number one on my list to plant in 2014.

- Neil Houghton, Diamond Rise Garden

Sunday, November 24, 2013

AIS Photo Contest Winners

AIS Photo Contest Winners Posted!

Click through the photos to see fabulous pictures, not only of flowers but also of admirers and hybridizers.  Lots of pretties!  I'm thinking about which ones I'd like to have in my garden!

Monday, November 11, 2013

From the HVIDS Fall Newsletter

The following is from the Hudson Valley Iris and Daylily Society Novemeber Newsletter:
     Unfortunately, September speaker, Kathryn Mohr had to cancel due to a death in her family.   However, we are very pleased to have her as our November speaker.  Her presentation is “Historical Iris and Daylilies”.  She is a vital and active member of both Capital Hudson Iris Society and the Hudson Adirondack Daylily Society, both located in the Greater Albany area. Kathryn has been growing historic iris since she was a teenager. “I recently became interested in historic Hems, and enjoy their beauty and the fact  that many are season extenders. I also love newer iris and daylilies”.
     The HVIDS meets at the Marlboro Free Library. Members begin gathering around 1:30PM for refreshments and socializing. At 2PM there is a short business meeting followed immediately by the talk. The public is invited and all are welcome.  

 Presidents Message  By Jim Robinowitz
            I represented our society at the Annual Region 2 Meeting on October 18 & 19 hosted by the Greater Rochester Iris Society.  The activities included a Board of Directors Meeting and General Membership Meeting.  The Keynote Speaker was Stephanie Markham, hybridizer and co-owner of Toadland Gardens in Norfolk, MA. Additionally, she presented 2 judges training sessions on both Tall Bearded Iris and Medium Iris.  The meeting also included a Silent auction. HVIDS contributed four lovely items.  This years annual meeting also included:  Show dates for 2014 and Region 2 Show Awards (we get the Peckham Historic Iris Award),  Region 2 Awards Presentation, and the election of 2014 officers Regional Vice President - Judy Tucholski-Zon, Assistant Regional Vice President – Dorothy Steifel, Secretary - Marilee Farry, and Treasurer - Vaughn Sayles.

·      2014 HVIDS Officer Elections:  Jim Robinowitz - President;  Georgette Martin - Vice President; Sue Rivard - Secretary; Frank Sorbello - Treasurer.

·      Presentation of updated HVIDS By laws (see below)

·      Discussion of possible future meeting locations

Dec 1               Annual HVIDS Luncheon, Shadows  1:30 PM
March 2            Greg Draiss,  Wappingers Falls Adam’s Fairacres Farms Manager will discuss herb                                     gardening
April 6            John Stahl  “Garden Photography
May 4                        TBA
May 24            2014 HVIDS Iris Show
May 25            Open Gardens          
July 19            2014 HVIDS Daylily Exhibition
July 20            Open Gardens 

President, Jim Robinowitz
Vice President, Georgette Martin
Secretary, Sue Rivard
Treasurer, Frank Sorbello

Since the HVIDS is both an iris and daylily club, we annually present two public shows.   Our iris show was on May 18.  We had three skilled judges:  John Heimke, Gene and Mildred Koscara.  Frank Sorbello won Best of Show with Joyce Terry.  The show AIS silver medal went to Frank for most blue ribbons and the bronze went to Sondra Tillou for the second most blue ribbons.  Unfortunately, our Open Iris Gardens were cancelled due to terrible weather.  On July 13, we presented our annual daylily exhibition. Our annual summer fundraising activities included: iris rhizome and daylily fan sales at Adams Fairacre Farms, in Poughkeepsie on August 17, and our Annual Iris Rhizome & Daylily Sale on the Saturday and Sunday, August 24/25, at the Poughkeepsie Galleria.  HVIDS sent a check to the AIS Region 2 earlier this fall.  Additionally, we held a special raffle of the 2013 Dykes winner “That’s All Folks” at our Galleria sales.  HVIDS is donating all the money raised ($70) to Region 2 and our club picked up the cost of the rhizome.

In 2013, HVIDS provided our members with many educational and enjoyable experiences including a series of excellent speakers:   We started off our spring season at the March meeting with a slide show presentation of the National Daylily Convention by President Jim Robinowitz.  Next, we had a wonderful April presentation by Mark Adams of Adams Fairacres Farms on the Best Plants of 2013 and at our May meeting, John Capobianco, former President of the Bonsai Society of Greater NY, provided an interesting and informative commentary while creating a bonsai from nursery stock.  John is the Bonsai instructor at the NY Botanical Gardens.   Gretchen Hitselberger, our talented HVIDS Webmaster, graciously stepped forward, last minute, and gave our September meeting lecture on the “Bones of a Garden”.  Unfortunately, September speaker, Kathryn Mohr had to cancel last minute, due to a death in the family.   However, we are very pleased to have her as our November speaker.  She will give a talk on “Historical Iris and Daylilies”.  Lee Reich, our October speaker, presented an enjoyable slide lecture taking the mystery out of pruning, so that lilacs, roses—all trees and shrubs, in fact—can be pruned to look their best and be in vibrant health.  The year will conclude with our annual Holiday Brunch on Sunday, December 1.

That’s all folks!
See you next Sunday at the meeting.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Candlelight Holiday Home Tour

Candlelight Holiday Home Tour Saturday, November 16 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM
The 7th District Federated Garden Clubs of New York will host a Candlelight Home Tour from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Nov. 16. Six homes will be on the tour:
--1905 White Hall built by Fred Hooker Gordon. The Greek Revival-style house was designed by J. Foster Warner, the architect that designed the George Eastman house. The gardens were designed by landscape architect, Alling de Forest. White Hall will be decorated by Lakeview Garden Club with a Christmas theme.
--1872 Alumni House built by Edward Harrison. The house will be decorated by the Hilton Garden Club with a Thanksgiving theme.
--1865 farm house. The house will be decorated by the Woodside Garden Club with a Thanksgiving theme.
--1820 red-brick farmhouse built by John White. The house will be decorated by the Oatka Garden Club with a harvest theme.
--1984 split-level home built by the owners. The house will be decorated by Hubbard Springs of Chili Garden Club with a Christmas theme.
--2008 ranch style group home with an enclosed interior courtyard. The house will be decorated by the Gates Garden Club with a New Year's Eve theme.
Tickets are $18 and are available at a number of area retailers including Gro-Moore Farms, Garden Factory, Genrich, Van Putte, Kittleberger Florist, Bristol's, Wayside, Grossman's Garden & Home, Wisteria, Sara's Nursery and Red Bird Cafe. For more information,